
Reminder of Obligation to Show Properties Regardless of Commission Amount Offered

In the realm of real estate, Ashby & Graff Real Estate Associates must uphold their professional obligation to show and market properties regardless of commission offered. This post serves as a concise reminder of the importance of fulfilling this obligation.

The Obligation: As real estate agents, you carry a fundamental obligation to your clients. This obligation entails showing and marketing properties diligently and effectively, with no compromise based on commission offers. Here’s why:

  1. Client Priority: Your foremost duty is to prioritize your client’s best interests. This means putting in the effort to find suitable properties, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure a seamless transaction.
  2. Reputation Building: Establishing a strong reputation in the industry is vital for long-term success. Consistently fulfilling your obligation builds trust with clients and colleagues alike.
  3. Legal and Ethical Compliance: Upholding ethical standards and adhering to real estate laws requires unwavering professionalism. Avoiding property showings due to commission amount being offered (or not offered) can lead to legal and ethical complications (see: the recent and ongoing commission lawsuits across the country.)
  4. Future Prospects: Real estate relies on relationships. Exceptional service to clients can result in repeat business, referrals, and a prosperous career.

Conclusion: At Ashby & Graff Real Estate, our Brokers and Associates pride themselves on their commitment to effective, honest, and ethical service. Always remember your obligation to show and market properties diligently irrespective of commission offers. By doing so, you not only fulfill your ethical and legal responsibilities but also cultivate a strong reputation and secure your future success in real estate.



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